Vocations, Seminaries, Clergy and Religious

Most Rev. Varghese Chakkalakal
Bishop of Calicut
Bishop’s House, Malaparamba P. O.
Calicut – 673 009, Kerala, India

Phone: +91-495-2370313; 2377013
Email: calicut_diocese@yahoo.com

Executive Secretary

Rev. Dr. Charles Leon
CCBI Centre, PB No.8490, Hutchins Road 2nd Cross
Bangalore– 560 084; Karnataka, India


Phone: +91-9496545394, 7012677098; 9449828179
E-mail: vscr@ccbi.in

Most Rev. Athanasius Rethna Swamy
Bishop of Ahmedabad
Bishop’s House, Dr. Tankaria Rd., Mirzapur,
Gujarat, India

Phone: 079-25624717, 25624105
Email: rethnaswamy@gmail.com

Most Rev. Raphy Manjaly
Archbishop of Agra
Archbishop’s House,
Wazirpura Road,
Agra-282003, Uttar Pradesh, India

Phone: (0562) 2851.318; 2526.397; Fax :2527.208
Email: bishopraphymanjaly@gmail.com; archdagra@gmail.com.

1. Vision

The CCBI Commission for Vocations, Seminaries, Clergy and Religious aims at coordinating the services of promotion of Vocations and Priestly and Religious Formation and the life of Catholic Priests and Religious throughout India, in order that the Clergy and the Religious of India, true to their ecclesial character, may be holy persons and pastors of all people, effective servant-leaders of the Christian community and committed workers for the promotion of God’s Kingdom in India.

2. Mission

The commission will carry out this task in accordance with the documents of the Church on Priestly and Religious Formation, the directives spelt out in the Charter of Priestly Formation in India, and the directives of the CCBI and in collaboration with other Commissions of the CCBI, by providing opportunities for consultation, collaboration and organization in the regional and national levels.

3. Former Chairmen
1. Most Rev. Peter Fernandes, Madurai: 1999 to 2006
2. Most Rev. Albert D’Souza, Agra: 2007 to 2010
3. Most Rev. Thomas Vazhapilly, Mysore: 2010 to 2015
4. Most Rev. Udumala Bala, Warangal: 2015-2023
5. Most Rev. Varghese Chackalakal, Calicut: 2023-

4. Former Executive Secretaries
1. Fr. Arul Joseph : 2002-2006
2. Fr. John Kulandai: 2006-2014
3. Fr. Raymond Joseph: 2014-2022
4. Fr. Charles Leon: 2022-

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