Tamilnadu Bishops’ Council (TNBC)

President TNBC
Most Rev. George Antonysamy, Archbishop of Madras-Mylapore
Archbishop’s House, 41, Santhome High Road, Chennai – 600 004, Tamilnadu, India
Tel. (O): 044-24641102, 24640833
Email (O): abpmmsec@gmail.com, Email (P): gasamy152@gmail.com

Secretary General TNBC
Most Rev. Nazarene Soosai, Bishop of Kottar
Bishop’s House, P.B. No.17, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari Dt. – 629 001, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: 04652-278343, 279152, 279933
Email (O): kottardiocese@yahoo.co.in, Email (P): nazarene13@gmail.com

Deputy Secretary TNBC
Rev. Fr. Francis Joseph
TNLBC Secretariat, 22/45, Santhome High Road, Chennai – 600 004, Tamilnadu, India
Mob: 8220221649
Email (O): tnbctnlbc@gmail.com, Email (O): francismjoe@yahoo.com

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PlaceBishops NameAddresswebsite
Most Rev. Antonysamy Francis Bishop's House, Post Box No. 3, Kumbakonam - 612 001, Thanjavur Dt. TAMIL NADU
Most Rev. Peter Remigius Bishop's House, Post Box No 17, Nagercoil - 629 001. TAMIL NADU kottardiocese.org
Chingleput Most Rev. Anthonisamy Neethinathan Catholic Bishop?s House, Thimmavaram, Kancheepuram Dt ? 603 101 TAMIL NADU chengaidiocese.org
Coimbatore Most Rev. Thomas Aquinas Bishop's House, Post Box No. 6, Coimbatore - 641 001. TAMIL. NADU. coimbatorediocese.org
Dharmapuri Most Rev. Lawrence Pius Dorairaj Bishop?s House, Nethaji By Pass Road, Dharmapuri P.O. - 636 701. TAMIL NADU.
Dindigul Most Rev. P. Thomas Paulsamy Bishop's House Valan Nagar, Post Box No. 6, Mullipady P.O.,B.K Pudur, S.O, Dindigul - 624 005. TAMIL NADU dindiguldiocese.org
Kottar Most Rev. Nazarene Soosai Bishop's House, Post Box No 17, Nagercoil - 629 001. TAMIL NADU kottardiocese.org
Kumbakonam Most Rev. Jeevanandam Amalanathan Bishop's House, Post Box No. 3, Kumbakonam - 612 001, Thanjavur Dt. TAMIL NADU dioceseofkumbakonam.org
Kuzhithurai Most Rev. Albert George Alexander Anastas Most Holy Trinity Cathedral, Thiruvanathapuram www.kuzhithuraidiocese.com/
Madras - Mylapore Most Rev. George Antonysamy Archbishop's House, 41, San Thome High Road, Chennai - 600 004. Tamil Nadu archdioceseofmadrasmylapore.org
Madurai Most Rev. Antony Pappusamy Archbishop's House, K. Pudur, Madurai 625 007. TAMIL NADU archdioceseofmadurai.com
Ootacamund Most Rev. Araulappan Amalraj Bishop's House, P. B. No. 5,Udhagamandalam 643 001, The Nilgiris. TAMIL NADU ootacamunddiocese.org
Palayamkottai Most Rev. Antonysamy Savarimuthu Catholic Bishop's House, P.B.-108,Tirunelveli Dt., Palayamkottai - 627 002. TAMIL NADU palayamkottaidiocese.org
Pondicherry - Cuddalore Most Rev. Francis Kalist Archbishop's House, 206, Cathedral Street,Pondicherry - 605 001. pondicherryarchdiocese.org
Salem Most Rev. Arulselvam Rayappan Bishop's House, Post Box No. 703, 2, Court Road,Maravanary, Salem - 636 007. TAMIL NADU salemdiocese.org
Sivagangai Most Rev. Lourdu Anandam Bishop's House, Britto Nagar, Melur Road, Sivagangai 630 561. TAMIL NADU rcdioceseofsivagangai.org/
Thanjavur Most Rev. Sagayaraj Thamburaj Bishop's House, P. O Box No. 204, VOC Nagar - Post, Thanjavur - 613 OO7, Tamil Nadu, lndia
Tiruchirapalli Most Rev. Savarimuthu Arokiaraj Bishop's House, Post Box No. 14, 12A, Convent Road, Tiruchirapalli 620 001. TAMIL NADU trichydiocese.org
Tuticorin Most Rev. Stephen Antony Pillai Catholic Bishop?s House, G.C Road, Tuticorin 628 001.TAMILNADU www.tuticorindiocese.org
Vellore Most Rev. Ambrose Pichaimuthu Catholic Bishop's House, 34, Officers' Line, PB No.107, Vellore - 632 001, Tamilnadu, India www.vellorediocese.org

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