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His Holiness Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of His Lordship Rt. Rev. Peter Celestine, OFM Cap., from the pastoral care of the Diocese of Jammu-Srinagar, according to Canon Law 401 § 1, and has appointed Rev. Fr. Ivan Pereira, of the clergy of Jammu-Srinagar,Read More →

New Delhi (CBCI News): The Standing Committee of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India, gathered at St. John’s Medical College Bangalore on 6-8 August 2014, expressed its deep concern over the on-going violence and bloodshed in the Gaza strip causing untold miseries to thousands ofRead More →

New Delhi (CBCI News): The Standing Committee of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India, gathered at St. John’s Medical College Bangalore on 6-8 August 2014, expressed its deep concern over the on-going violence and bloodshed in the Gaza strip causing untold miseries to thousands ofRead More →