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Kathmandu, Nepal, October 11, 2023 (CCBI). The Indian edition of the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis “Laudate Deum” was released by His Excellency Leopoldo Girelli, Apostolic Nuncio to India and Nepal, during the South Asian Bishop’s training programme held at Kathmandu, Nepal, on Wednesday, OctoberRead More →

Bangalore, October 7, 2023 (CCBI): His Holiness Pope Francis has appointed Linus Neli (66) as Archbishop of Imphal, Manipur, Northeast India. Currently, he is the judicial vicar of the Imphal Archdiocese and the Director of the Retreat, Centre at Imphal. Pope Francis accepted the resignationRead More →

Bangalore 4 October 2023 (CCBI): His Eminence Telesphore Placidus Cardinal Toppo (84) Archbishop Emeritus of Ranchi, Jharkhand passes away on Wednesday 4 October 2023 at 3.45pm at Constant Lievens hospital, Mandar, Ranchi. Due to aging-related illnesses, he was bedridden in the same hospital for lastRead More →

Bangalore, September 23, 2021 (CCBI): The CCBI has appointed Rev. Dr. Christopher Vimalraj (56) from the Archdiocese of Bangalore as Associate Deputy Secretary General of the CCBI. The decision was taken during the 92nd Executive Committee meeting of the CCBI, held on September 21–22, 2023,Read More →