Bengal Regional Bishops’ Council (BRBC)

President BRBC
Most Rev. Thomas D’Souza, Archbishop of Calcutta
Archbishop’s House, 32, Mother Teresa Sarani
Kolkata – 700 016, West Bengal, India
Tel. (O) : 033-22871960, 22879338
Bp. Secretary Mob: 9903677637
Email (O) :
Email (P) :

Secretary General BRBC
Most Rev. Vincent Aind, Archbishop of Ranchi
Archbishop’s House, PB No. 5, Dr. Camil Bulcke Path
Ranchi – 834 001, Jharkhand, India
Bp. Secretary Mob: 9006437066
Email (O) :
Email (P) :

Deputy Secretary General BRBC
Rev. Fr. Kamal Kishore Soren
BRBC Secretariat, Cathedral of the Most Holy
Rosary, 15, Portuguese Church Street
Kolkata – 700 001, West Bengal, India
Tel : 033-22343433, Mobile : 9477952143, 8583873312
Email (O) :
Email (P) :

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PlaceBishops NameAddresswebsite
Most Rev. Salvadore Lobo Bishop's House, Baruipur P.O Kolkata - 700 144 WEST BENGAL
Asansol Most Rev. Elias Frank Sacred Heart Presbytery, G.T. Road (West), Asansol - 713 301 WEST BENGAL
Bagdogra Most Rev. Paul Simick Bishop’s House, Pradhan Nagar P. O. Siliguri-734 003, Dt. Darjeeling, West Bengal
Baruipur Most Rev. Shyamal Bose Bishop's House, Baruipur P.O, Kolkata - 700 144, West Bengal, India
Berhampur Most Rev. Sarat Chandra Nayak Bishop's House, P.B. No. 27, Ganjam Dt Berhampur - 760 001 ORISSA
Calcutta Most Rev. Thomas D Souza Archbishop's House, 32-Mother Teresa Sarani, Kolkata - 700 016. WEST BENGAL
Darjeeling Most Rev. Stephen Lepcha Bishop?s House, 13 Dr. Yen Singh Road, Darjeeling ? 734 101 WEST BENGAL
Jalpaiguri Most Rev. Clement Tirkey Bishop's House, Mohitnagar Post, Dt. Jalpaiguri ? 735 101. WEST BENGAL
Jalpaiguri Most Rev. Fabian Toppo Bishop’s House Jalpaiguri, P. O. Mohit Nagar Dist. Jalpaiguri - 735 102, West Bengal, India
Krishnagar Most Rev. Nirmol Vincent Gomes, S.D.B Bishop's House, Nadia Dt., Krishnagar - 741 101. WEST BENGAL
Raiganj Most Rev. Fulgence Aloysius Tigga Bishop's House, Chotparua,Karnajora P.O., Via Raiganj, Dt. Uttar Dinajpur 733 130. West Bengal

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