Most Rev. Robert Kerketta, Bishop Emeritus of Tezpur Passed Away

Bangalore 22 December 2018 (CCBI): Most Rev. Robert Kerketta (86), SDB Bishop Emeritus of Tezpur, Assam passed away on Saturday 22 December 2018 at 12:30pm at Baptist Christian Hospital Tezpur. The funeral will be held on Thursday, 27 December 2018 at the Bishop’s House, Priest’s Cemetery, Tezpur. 

He was born on 22 October 1932 and he was ordained a priest on 11 February 1963. He was appointed Bishop of Dibrugarh on 21 Mary, 1970 and was ordained Bishop on 18 October 1970. He was appointed Bishop of Tezpur on 24 October 1980 and retired from active Episcopal ministry on 3 December 2007. He was a priest for 55 years and a Bishop for 48 years.